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Hillhurst United Church

Whoever you are, wherever you’re at, join us on the journey.

Sunday Worship Services at

Hillhurst United Church

1227 Kensington Close NW, Calgary

9:00 am (In-person and online)

10:45 Service (In-person)

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter - Happenings

Living Spirit Centre

Wednesday Worship Services at Living Spirit Centre

629 49 Ave SW, Calgary

6:00 pm Service (In-person)

Our Values



Come as you are! We strive to make our congregants feel at home. Eating and drinking together is a part of who we are. Enjoy coffee before and during the service and lunch after the 10:45 am service prepared by members of the congregation.


Not all people are religious. We believe all people are spiritual. Throughout the week, we offer many opportunities to deepen our souls, take a breathe, and listen to the Divine inside each of us. Contemplative arts (such as meditation, retreats, and spiritual direction) as well as lectures and workshops are offered throughout the year. See more about these programs here.


It’s easy to love everyone on Sunday, but how do we love the rest of the week? How do we take what we say and sing out into the streets? We lend our voice to social justice movements that align with our faith. Whether it’s marching for climate action, Black Lives Matter, or Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, we keep a newspaper in one hand and a Bible in the other. We have several groups related to social justice that you can view here.


At Hillhurst, we take risks. Jesus’ favourite line was be not afraid. How do we live more fearlessly in the world? Each of the core values listed above are grounded in risk, as we strive to reach beyond our comfort zone and be the church in the world.


 Renovation Project

We’re completing essential renovations to our

beautiful 100 year-old building.

To learn about the project and see updates click here.
Want to support these essential renovations? Click here to make your pledge or donate now.


An Affirming Church


An Affirming church is an official designation in the United Church of Canada, publicly declaring commitment to inclusion and justice for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, race, ethnicity, ability, age, religion, and economic status.

Our Affirming Statement:
We are an inclusive and supportive community of faith that follows in the Way of Jesus. We welcome the ministry and participation of all persons regardless of age, gender identity, health, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religious or ethnic background or economic circumstance.

We hope that in all we do, God's unconditional love is experienced.


Our Community

The magic of Hillhurst can be hard to put into words, but this is what some people have said.

“My spiritual lifeline.”

“Progressive, engaged, active, reflective.”

“My happy place! My place of learning! Where I feel deeply challenged, spiritually whole, grounded, truly loved and accepted!”

“Room for everyone.”

“Humbly courageous, playfully spiritual, authentically embracing, unapologetically human.”

“Fabulous and faithful.”

“Hillhurst is my haven, religious grounding, and community. It cannot be replaced.”



If you have further questions about Hillhurst, click the button below to get in touch with us.