Baptism and Membership
Baptism is a symbol of new life, marking an important step on one's faith journey. Our denomination, the United Church of Canada, offers baptism to all ages. We believe the gift of God's love doesn't depend on our ability to understand it, so we baptize people as infants right up through adulthood.
During the ceremony, which usually takes place as part of a regular worship service, everyone in the congregation pledges support for the individual. During a child's baptism, the congregation pledges support for the child and their parents.
Baptism is not a requirement for God's love. We believe people who die without baptism are in no way condemned, lost, or damned.
Baptism in the United Church is recognized by all denominations of the Christian church that practice infant baptism. Similarly, if someone has already been baptized in another church at any age, the United Church recognizes their baptism and welcomes them.
Here’s an audio recording of a congregant speaking about why she chose to be baptized.
Interested in baptism for yourself or your child? Please fill out the baptism form using the button below and we'll be in touch with you.
Membership at Hillhurst is definitely not a requirement to being a part of the community. We promise, there’s no secret handshake once you become a member!
We often describe our congregation using Rev. John’s “three circles” — the curious, the comfortable and the committed. No matter what circle you consider yourself in, you’re invited to attend a membership class and become an official member of our church. Membership classes are generally offered twice a year in the spring and fall.
Membership class, 2019
The United Church of Canada defines congregants as either adherents, members, or full members. Adherents are invited to participate in all aspects of church life, including voting at congregation general meetings. Occasionally, there are motions presented where only full members are permitted to vote. For example, hiring a new minister or making significant church property decisions.
The best thing to becoming a member is taking part in the membership class. Over an evening, you’ll meet other people who are interested in membership, learn about Hillhurst’s history, values, and vision, and find ways to engage more fully based on your unique gifts. Keep an eye on our events page for the next membership class.