Serve on a volunteer team that speaks to you
Everything at Hillhurst happens thanks to the congregants who step in where they feel called. There are opportunities to volunteer whether you are an in-person or online congregant.
Choose a team that suits your interests and skills and be part of making Hillhurst happen! Please connect with the office directly if you have questions or would help in another way.
Greeter Team
Welcome folks at the door and help late-comers find a seat.
Coffee Team
Mind the coffee station, help guests to a cup of joe, and keep the treats stocked.
Communion Host
Be part of this special ritual by helping offer communion to congregants during Sunday services.
Baptism Host
Be part of this special sacrament by helping host baptism during Sunday services.
KidSpace Parent Volunteers
Join the fun in KidSpace, our children’s ministry, and help out with crafts, games, and stories.
Knit or Knot
Knit or Knot is a tight "knit" group that lovingly knits or crochets prayer shawls for those who need comfort and care.
We meet the first and third Monday of the month in the church library from 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
Office Admin Team
Support our staff with administrative and office tasks a few times a week.
Prayer Team
Gather to pray for congregants and our wider community. This team is open for In-person or online congregants.
Scripture Team
Join the rotating schedule of scripture readers who read a short Bible passage each Sunday. This team is open for in-person or online congregants.