August 20, 2021 Update


August 20, 2021

A note from Hillhurst United’s Board of Directors.

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, Anne Yates-Laberge, Executive Director, sent a message in early June about Hillhurst’s plans to return to the building. At that time, the hope was to resume in-person gatherings in September. As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in Alberta, our return date is once again uncertain. Based on advice from our medical advisor and board member, Dr. David Keegan, along with consensus among our Board of Directors, we are postponing all in-person gatherings until further notice.

We are all missing our in-person community and were looking forward to being back in the pews. We are also disappointed by the need to make this decision. Our number one goal remains the safety of our congregation. Through it all, we have found ways to be in community safely and will continue to make meaningful connections in small groups and worship services online. We are aware of the ever-changing reports in the media, and we are doing what is best for our church. 

You may have heard that other churches in the Calgary area are re-opening. Due to our large congregation (400+ each Sunday) and our building’s lack of adequate airflow, we have a variety of factors to consider. These reasons, combined with rising case numbers and the Delta variant, have contributed to our decision at this time.

We will continue to keep you updated on our plans for in-person gatherings as the situation evolves. Our staff and volunteers continue to find creative ways to keep us connected. There are discussions about a potential outdoor service this fall, and earlier this month, high-definition cameras were installed in the sanctuary for better quality live-streaming.

If you have questions or comments, please reply to this email. As always, we welcome your feedback. A record of our COVID-19 communications are available on the COVID-19 page of our website here

Know that these decisions are made with love and careful consideration. We miss you and continue to look forward with hope!

Hillhurst United Church Board of Directors
David Keegan
Anne Kleffner
Mona Lutfy
Spirit River Striped Wolf
Pam Gaudette
Mona Lutfy
Lea Komaromi

August 20, 2021

A note from Rev. John Pentland, Lead Minister.

The Church has endured many challenges in the past 2000 years. COVID-19 is perhaps one of its greatest challenges. This has affected every aspect of every person’s daily life. Through this time, Hillhurst has adapted to keep us as connected and engaged as possible. As a community, we have had highs and lows along the way. Now, as we enter the fall, we will be once again paying attention to the signs.

The advice we have received at this time is to continue online worship and limit our in-person gatherings. We will comply.

This seems so contradictory to what church is. We need to see each other, to eat and drink and be in conversation together. Frankly, not meeting seems “unchurch.” We were all fine initially, but now, 17 months later, it feels like we have all had enough. I know I have!

Nonetheless, to be healthy and responsible, we need to stay the course. I am pleased we have good medical advisors, and we have a strong staff and Board. We continue our connecting to the best of our abilities.

I look forward to seeing us gathered again, singing, laughing, learning, eating, drinking and being the church serving the world. May the words of our creed, “We are not alone, we live in God's world,” remind us that God has not abandoned us, and we will be the church in the flesh again soon.

Let's hope this will come very soon.

Please reach back to us with concerns, questions, and support as you are able.

Peace and gratitude for your patience.



November 19, 2021 Update


June 21, 2021 Update