What You Need to Know for our First In-person Service | March 31 Update


We are beyond excited to welcome you into the building on Sunday, April 3! We will worship together, light candles, offer prayers, sing, and hear beautiful music from our choir and worship band. 

The Heart of Hillhurst is outside and decorated for spring, so snap a selfie before or after the service.

We also invite you to bring a non-perishable food item for the Community Cupboard. There will be a box as you enter the sanctuary to drop off your items. 

To protect one another and limit the spread of COVID-19, there will be a few precautions in place. Here’s what you can expect:

Masks should be worn inside the building at all times, and N95 masks are strongly encouraged. We have a limited supply of N95 masks, including children's sizes — ask a volunteer greeter at the door if you would like one and do not have your own.


See the graphic below to learn how N95s compare to other types of masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19. You can purchase N95 masks at canadastrongmasks.ca or vitacore.ca, and London Drugs often has them in stock. N95 masks last for 200 hours as long as they are clean and in good condition.


Air Circulation
To provide as much air circulation as possible, doors and windows will be kept open during the service, so you may want to keep your coat on or bring an extra layer. HEPA filtration and CO2 monitoring will also be in place.

Passing the Peace
Passing the Peace is a ritual during the service where congregants greet each other by saying “peace be with you” / “and also with you.” During this time, we invite you to share peace signs or prayer hands (bringing your hands together at your heart) instead of handshakes or hugs.

KidSpace and Youth
During Passing of the Peace, children and youth are invited to meet in the gymnasium, where there is better ventilation than their usual space downstairs. HEPA filters are also running in the gym.

Finally, if you are experiencing symptoms, please stay home to limit the spread.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and grace as we transition back to our physical space together, prioritizing safety while creating a sense of familiarity and worship.

For more information, visit hillhurstunited.com/COVID19.


Safety Precautions at Hillhurst United Church


Mask Recommendations | March 1, 2022