Unraveling | January 8, 2023 | Hillhurst United Church


This Sunday, Andria Irwin, Associate Minister preaches using scripture from Matthew. Join us this joyous Sunday!

Whoever you are, wherever you're at, join us on the journey! Our values are radical hospitality, spirituality, and social justice, all grounded in risk.

Make a donation: http://bit.ly/38XU8kp

Are you new to Hillhurst? Say hi by filling out this form and we'll send you some info about us. We'd love to start a conversation and get to know you!http://bit.ly/3twnjDL

Attend an upcoming event: http://bit.ly/3rSnvgD

To learn more about Hillhurst United, visit http://www.hillhurstunited.com and connect with us on social media.

Facebook: https://bit.ly/3f1oOCa

Twitter: https://bit.ly/2OUjkP3

Instagram: https://bit.ly/3eVzylt


Come And See | January 15, 2023 | Hillhurst United Church


Take Your Time | January 1, 2023 | Hillhurst United Church